A family business founded in 1853, Bonduelle holds the ambition of becoming the "world leader in ensuring good health through a vegetable-based diet". The Group, which currently employs a workforce of 9,569 with a presence in 100 countries, has always been a proponent of innovation as key to its success. Accordingly, in September 2012, Bonduelle rolled out a new collaborative tool entitled: "Networking, connecting people and growing together".
BONDUELLE promotes networked-based strategies using the collaborative "Networking" platform
1. Organizational Governance
Transparency and communication


- Streamline the sharing of information and experience;
- Utilize the skills of every single connected employee;
- Promote network-based working methods and innovation.
Networking is fully in line with Group strategy, as clearly expressed in the VegeGo! project, whose timeline extends until 2025. Back in 2010, Bonduelle launched a working group dedicated to setting up a company-wide social network. This initiative reveals the growing interest in a collaborative approach, which reflects the Group's internationalization and revised organization that revolves around 4 business units. In September 2012, the networking platform was formally defined with Google applications at the core (Google+, Drive and the Google site).From September to October 2012: introduction of these tools to 280 Group managers.From January to June 2013: rollout to the 3,500 Group employees with an Internet connection.From June to December 2013: technical migration of email boxes to Gmail accounts. The Networking platform offers a multitude of functionalities, in particular:
- Sharing of pre-sorted information and joint preparation of documents
- Schedule sharing, which allows saving time when organizing meetings
- Inter-site communications
- Exchange of information and interaction on selected topics, with the potential for further development within specific communities
- Facilitate network-oriented, project-based work
- Attract new talent and find ways to detect in-house talent
- Promote change accompaniment methods
- Save time and reduce travel
- Quickly integrate new hires.
- SOCIAL: showcase competences
- GOVERNANCE: share information and develop multi-skilling
- ENVIRONMENTAL: limit travel.
- Workforce
- (2018-2019) : 14 589 collaborateurs
- Turnover
- (2018-2019) : 2 777 millions deuros
- Country
- France
Anne-Sophie Ketterer, chargée de mission RSE, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.