An international group present in 16 countries, Mobivia Group is the European leader in maintenance and equipment for multiple brands of vehicles, serving more than 20 million drivers. Mobivia Group has more than 10,400 employees divided into six activities and 13 enterprises federated by the same mission: to ensure that people can benefit from sustainable mobility.
MOBIVIA GROUP takes part in the public debate to defend consumers and advance sustainable mobility solutions
1. Organizational Governance
Relations with stakeholders

- Defend the interests of consumers and actors of the channel
- Engage in automotive safety
- Take part in the public debate to advance the new mobility solutions
- Engage in free competition
For many years, Mobivia Group has been particularly engaged in elucidating the debate on competition in the auto after-sales market, with multiple informational actions and meetings with European authorities. In 2013, the Mobivia Group backed the action undertaken by the organization "Free my auto" in their suit filed before the State Council. This mobilization led to a renewed breakthrough in lowering the prices of automobile body parts.
- Promote European harmonization on road safety
At the end of 2012, the group organized an event at the European Parliament to promote a harmonized European policy on snow tires, in order to improve road safety. It presented a new study showing disparities in the existing legislation in Europe. This was accompanied by proposals for actions to be implemented to improve road safety under snowy conditions.
- Nourishing the debate on mobility
The group works with public and private partners and is involved in numerous events.
- Participation in the Rencontres Internationales des Vehicules Ecologiques (RIVE), which seeks to federate the public authorities and the actors around the challenges of the sector.
- Implementation of a survey by AVERE (professional association for the development of electric mobility solutions) / Mobivia Group ‘‘The French and mobility’‘ (2012), participation at the Trophee des Villes electromobiles recognizing innovative policies of French territorial collectives in terms of sustainable mobility
- Partnership with Eco-mayors: co-publication of a Practical Guide on Eco-mobility for Cities (Eco-mayor/ Vinci / Mobivia Group - June 2013)
- Participation in the EPE (Entreprises pour l’Environnement) Student Prize dedicated to sustainable mobility June 2013)
- Participation in a working group and publication in September 2013, in conjunction with the organization France Nature Environnement, of the Guide entitled "The proper place for Cars in Future Mobility".
- Maintenance and development of the Group’s traditional activity (auto maintenance and equipment)
- Development of Group activities related to alternative mobility solutions to traditional cars (hybrid vehicles and eco-mobility)
- Evolution of legislation
- Reduction of environmental impact
- Raising awareness among stakeholders about new mobility solutions
- Workforce
- 10 400 (2013)
- Turnover
- 1,6M€
- Country
- France
S. Bailly, Mobivia Groupe