Translations Best practice in French version Best practice in English version

MANPOWER develops the employability of its Temporary Employees by supporting them in a process of Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL)

3. Labor relations / working conditions

Human capital development


The training and validation of the experience acquired by the temporary employees are some of the major concerns of Manpower France. Therefore the company has been involved, from the earliest experiments launched by the Ministry for Employment in 2002, in a device that is part of the general guidelines of the Company's training policy 


- Secure career paths for Temporary Employees that are not qualified or very little (no degree) and thus maximize their chances of remaining in employment
- Validate their skills acquired throughout their temporary assignments
- Recognition of skills by obtaining a first degree
- Give new direction to their career 


The signing of the national partnership charter signed by Manpower France and the Ministry in charge of Employment in July 2007, charter declined in region with DIRRECTE, has allowed the development, each year, of collective and individual actions of APL actions.

Beyond the information made available to employees - internal newsletter - display - communication on the site - a structured approach is implemented:
- targeting and tracking of audience meeting the criteria in POI files
- non-graduate staff
- having a minimum of 3 years experience in the trade covered by the diploma

The APL is not just a simple administrative procedure or formality. It requires, for the candidate, a real research, reflection and writing work, proving that the professional skills match the skills required for the obtaining of the diploma. This is why each Temporary Employee is accompanied by a Manpower APL consultant that coaches and insures him/her:
- assistance with administrative formalities
- help with the choice of degree
- the connecting with the coaching organization
- follow-up throughout the process

The process is framed in time: up to 6 months between the sending of the file to state services and the passage in front of the jury for the obtaining of the diploma.


- Steady increase in the number of positive APL outcomes since 3 years: 90% of the candidates have passed the examination.
- Responsible company image of its colleagues to clients 


- Action concerning equal opportunities and assistance to people in difficulty 
- Image of socially responsible employer
- 170 APL per year = 170 people better equipped on the job market 

3.34 millliards d'euros (2009)


50, rue Gustave Delory
59000 Lille

Mise à jour le 25/05/2016

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