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Idkids strives to raise employee skills

3. Labor relations / working conditions

Human capital development


Idkids, a leading corporation dedicated to children, comprises 5 brands (Okaïdi, Obaïbi, Jacadi, Oxybul éveil et Jeux and Ïdkids) and employs a workforce of 5,000-plus. "Acting for world progress that benefits children's development" is ID's mission statement, as implemented through "RESSEME" (Entrepreneurial, Social, Societal and Environmental Responsibility of Children's Brands). In a society undergoing rapid development and volatile economic times, helping Group employees raise their qualifications and skill levels is an important social goal.


  • Develop or maintain employees' qualifications
  • Provide the opportunity for each employee to progress and develop skills commensurate with his/her career path.


During World Forum 2012, Idkids founders and executives made a bold commitment: enable at least 1,000 members of the Group's workforce to attain a higher level of employment during 2013. This commitment was more widely adopted as part of an initiative sponsored by the core actors making up GUS (Global Union for Sustainability). An employee was assigned to achieve the objective and extend these efforts into the future.

The stages involved in up-skilling employees involve multiple facets:

  • Professional growth and internal mobility,
  • Training,
  • Eligibility for a work contract or degree program.

Over 1,600 employees in all were actually able to experience new skills acquisition and an advancement in their careers during 2013. Training accounted for more than half of these advances, and professional growth in whatever form for over a quarter.

Examples of the tools implemented include: a company-wide approach to validating experience-based knowledge sponsored by the brand Okaïdi and applied to in-store staff, French classes taught to a number of warehouse employees.
Moreover, over 400 personnel were promoted during 2013 in myriad ways: appointment to a managerial post, skill certification, assignment of added responsibilities, completion of a mission or project under a tight time constraint while offering a competence development opportunity.


  •  2012: commitment to raising qualifications for 1,000 employees
  •  2013: 1,600 employees actually concerned (50% training, 25% professional growth)
  •  Mobilization of HR teams and entire workforce
  •  A more skilled company staff


  •  Copycat effect when a company commits to implementing a Best Practice
  •  Synergy between GUS and other actors.
5000 (2014)
741 M Euros (2014)


162, boulevard de Fourmies

Mise à jour le 25/05/2016

Creative Commons Attribution This work by Réseau Alliances – World Forum Lille is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.