Faced with a high absenteeism rate with respect to disease, more than 5.53% in 2006, or 20 employees absent per year, Eaux du Nord has decided to raise awareness and warn the staff by implementing health forums.
The themes for 2007 were "risk prevention of cardiovascular disease," "gestures and postures," "cancer," "lifesaving.
EAUX DU NORD - GDF SUEZ is concerned about the health of its employees
3. Labor relations / working conditions
Workplace health and safety
- Educate employees to preserve their health capital.
- Participate in the prevention of diseases related to unhealthy lifestyle (non practicing of a sport, poor diet, smoking, alcohol).
- Make each responsible for their health and emphasize the importance of prevention.
These forums are implemented in partnership with occupational physicians of the company and take place during the working time of employees and on each hiring site.
Friendly and professional is what appeals to employees at these meetings.
The "lifesaving" theme affects a very broad target.
Also, defibrillators were recently installed in the premises and were a source of discussion.
Practical training by the Red Cross has responded well.
Other highlights of the 2011 forum:
- Awareness of road safety: simulation in a car, alcohol simulator mask, alcohol test reflexes, distribution of breathalysers.
- Home accident prevention: to provide first aid
- The ESF (French Blood Establishment) present on the forum was able to collect 60 donations.
At the 2010 Forum, a launch activity was held with First Aid leaflets distributed to all receptions to create the desire to participate in the forum.
Best Practice selected by The World Forum Lille 2010 and updated in 2011
- The forum has brought together teams.
- The human resources team has been appreciated in a different way: it contributes to the prevention of employee health.
- Lower rates of absenteeism at 4.08%.
- Over 50% of employees participated in this health meeting, with a satisfaction rate of 100% on both the personal and professional enrichment aspects.
- 8 people have detected a health problem (including one severe case) thanks to the forum and have then gone to see their physician.
- Virtuous "win-win" circle where everyone is interested by something.
- Turnover
- CA 2010 : 90 millions d €
- Country
- France