For 21 years, Staphyt has studied the impact of seeds, organic or phytosanitary products on plants, the earth, and men for industrial or institutional. European leader in its field, the company has 40 small teams of 3 to 4 people located in Europe.
STAPHYT: well-being of men, well-being of plants.
3. Labor relations / working conditions
Working conditions

- Take on a strong environmental approach
- Placing people at the heart of the company
- Ensure transparency in its relations with stakeholders.
Staphyt differs from its competitors by having the location of its teams at the heart of the geographical territory of experimentation.
The environment as a career. The ISO 14001 certification and the publishing of a manual on environmental responsibility that each team manager must respect and enforce.
A restriction on distance travelled due to the geographic distribution of teams and promoting working from home. The development of a device, the Evapophyt, which eliminates cleanly the waste in tests.
Place people at the heart of the company. As a real ACTOR, the employee is placed at the top of the pyramid.
- Every 3 years, they participate in the development of the company’s strategy.
- They can work and exchange ideas with far-away colleagues thanks to an efficient Intranet.
- A steering committee that proposes new social action plans.
To enforce a sense of belonging and team cohesion and overcome the disadvantages of geographical distances of employees Staphyt has set up:
- A powerful communication tool
- An annual conference that reunites 100% of the employees
- An English language training program to facilitate trade between countries
- Extension to all countries the advantages of the French works council
- A specific interview conducted by a well-being manager.
- Ensure transparency
Neighbors, customers and partners also involved.
Close to its partners, Staphyt
- Listen to farmers in proximity
- Is transparent with its customers both in the development of tests as well as for the evolution of the company
- Integrates with its city every year by inviting the people of Inchy in the company
- Evolution of turnover and profit
Turnover 2008 : 8500 K€
Turnover 2009 : 12 300 K€
Turnover 2010 : 15 000K€
Net profits 2008 : 700 K€
Net profits 2009 : 1500 K€
Net profits 2010 : 1700 K€
- Priority on work / private life balance
- All employees connected to the intranet
- "Clean" elimination of experimentation waste with Evapophyt
- Turnover
- 15M€
- Country
- France