AUCHAN FRANCE promotes its policy for the disabled
2. Human Rights
Diversity, equal opportunity, and fighting discrimination


More than 20 years of commitment to the disabled !Since 1993, Auchan has adopted a policy to promote employment of the disabled through a set of tangible and original actions on this topic. 2013 marked 20 years of commitment, which was cause for celebration, first with employees in-house then extending to our partners. In 2014, Auchan has renewed this commitment by signing a seventh corporate agreement. March 2015 was also designated the month of partnerships reaching out to disabled associations.
- Show that disability takes different forms and should not be a barrier to personal or professional development.
- Provide the people concerned with practical and concrete information on how to improve their daily life within the enterprise.
- Recognize employees and associative partners who have been able to transmit their knowledge and their values to facilitate the insertion of the disabled.
In 2013, Auchan France celebrated 20 years of action campaigns aimed at reintegrating the disabled into the company workforce thanks to annual corporate agreements being renewed with the company's labor and social partners every year throughout this period.In recognition of this anniversary, Auchan had sought to associate Trisomy 21 France (Down's syndrome protection association) with the celebration in order to build awareness among both employees and customers while debunking some of the misconceptions regarding Down syndrome sufferers. In 2014, we conducted a number of actions in conjunction with the World Down Syndrome Day event (21st March). Since these steps met with a favorable response from the host sites as well as from the Department's Down syndrome associations, the 2015 renewal of this partnership struck us as perfectly sensible. This partnership had not fizzled out since during the year 2014, several young victims of the disorder were welcomed to work at our stores, either on an internship basis, on an availability basis or under a permanent employment contract.Such actions enable the company to build awareness among team members on the topic of disability and showcase the commitment of our partner associations. The site's Sustainable Development Committee, the local disability community and the company's Human Resources Division pooled their efforts to energize these valuable partnerships. Best Practice spotted by World Forum for a Responsible Economy in 2013 and updated in 2015.
- Raise awareness among all employees and change the ways in which disability is regarded.
- Improve the image and attractiveness of the enterprise for young people.
- Share this action to encourage other enterprises to make commitments in this area.
- Workforce
- 60 570 (2014)
- Turnover
- 16.2 milliards € TTC (2014)
- Country
- France
Cécile François - Podevin, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.