Castorama belongs to the group Kingfisher Europe’s largest home improvement retailer. Castorama employs 12,600 persons who contribute everyday to its success on its market. Castorama’s main objectives regarding its policy for men and women development are: promote diversity, commitment and facilitate the evolution of its employees.With the development of its market and its customers, Castorama has been involved for more than ten years for the feminization of its teams.
CASTORAMA : 1st retail major company to be awarded the Label Egalité Professionnelle
2. Human Rights
Diversity, equal opportunity, and fighting discrimination

The « Label Egalité » is a voluntary process that leads us to:
- The reinforcement of the attractiveness of our stores thanks to innovating new choices and being an employer-of-choice (only about 50 companies are certified in France, Castorama was the first retail major company to be awarded the Label Egalité).
- The enhancement of societal commitment for professional equality to attract candidates externally and reinforce the level of provision required internally.
The objective: reinforce the proportion of women in their teams :
- The management: from 38% of women in 2012 to 42% in 2016 (28% in 2004)
- and In sales: from 25% of women in 2012 to 28% in 2016 (18% in 2004)
Labeling is an evaluation of actions and results on taking account of the equality in 3 spheres of actions (15 criteria):
1- Social dialogue (company agreement), intern and extern awareness to fight against stereotypes (press report on intern TV, debates, forums, discussions, poster campaign, job site, representation of women in communication supports..)
2- Human Resources and Management : indicators based on gender at a country level and stores (monthly and annual) to adjust local actions plans, pay equality diagnostics with individuals analysis of gender salaries and targeted adjustments, trainings to develop women skills (Cash register and Sales, feminine leadership…)
3- Conciliation between working life and family life (parenthood): salary hikes for every maternity leave, limited travelled costs to facilitate access to training, flexibility in working hours…
The Label is awarded by the State for 3 years renewable, after the period during which the case is heard by the AFNOR. Certification and validation of the application form by a labellisation Commission
Best Practice spotted by the World Forum Lille in 2013 and updated in 2014.
- benefit for employer image(attractiveness, increasing number of application files)
- number of women in management doubled, 15 women store managers
- feminization of the teams : 43% of women in 2013
- professional gender equality Certification in 2011
- Innovation Community approach and continuous improvement processes.
- Complementarity of talent.
- Workforce
- 12600 (2014)
- Turnover
- 2 900 000 K€ ( HT Net 2013)
- Country
- France