The young and not so young all show great concern for the issue of the preservation of the planet. Through a club and dedicated line of products, Auchan helps make young generations better aware of sustainable development and educates them on this issue.
AUCHAN educates children about sustainable development via the “Rik & Rok” Club
7. Community involvement

- To use Rik & Rok, for the years to come, to convey the sustainable development policy of the company.
The Rik & Rok Club of Auchan offers to children aged 4 to 8 and 8 to 10 fun and educational activities on issues to which they relate - sharing, caring for the community, environment, a healthy diet, children’s rights. Today, more than 140,000 children are members of this club, which was launched in October 1999.
10,000 children participate in nationwide bimonthly activities. Rik & Rok has become the main tool used to convey information to the young It offers:
In the club:
- A magazine sent home with the theme (Save the Animals, Rain Forest...) or the topics related to sustainable development (comic book, games, Fitness, Ecological planet...)
- : A very fun site with games and environmentally friendly characters.
In stores:
In 2014, top priority was assigned to education on proper nutrition. Special displays were set up in more than 100 stores dedicated to breakfasts and snacks. A handbook was also sent to all youth members recalling the basics of good nutrition in a presentation format that always remains entertaining! After all, eating is supposed to be fun!
In 2015: An in-store display on the responsible garden / vegetable garden was set up. The objective therein: Associate flowers / plants with vegetables in a natural way in order to avoid synthetic treatment. Upon leaving the event, children were given a tomato branch stuffed with carnations accompanied by a booklet on best responsible practices for tending to one's garden.
In 2015, Rik & Rok got involved in organizing the temporary exhibit on climate change explained to 8-12 year-olds (with over 85 participating stores), by proposing animated displays / quizzes, booklets and games available through a website on themes related to the climate.
In 2016, A workshop held at the national level with the realization of a flower pot containing melliferous plants and visits of bee hives to raise awareness to chilrend on the essetial role played by bees in biodiversity preservation.
In 2017, A workshop on unusual aromatic plants (chocolate mint, pineapple thyme...) to revive the desire to cook and raise awareness on the importance of variety in the plate...and in the tastes!
Best practice spotted by World Forum for a Responsible Economy in 2010 and updated in 2017.
- Children in the club show real interest in their magazine and activities, thus influencing their parents.
- Employees are better aware of sustainable development commitments made by the company.
- Workforce
- 60 570 (2014)
- Turnover
- 16.2 milliards € TTC (2014)
- Country
- France