Since 2003, the Nord Pas-de-Calais Regional Council of has implemented social and environmental clauses in its different public markets in order to promote responsible purchases. A steering committee « ethical purchases and sustainable development » presided by an elected representative and composed by representatives and technicians has been implemented to coordinate the departments actions.
The Nord Pas-de-Calais Regional Council promotes responsible purchases
5. Fair Operating Practices
Responsible purchasing

- Whenever it is possible, use the public order as a sustainable development leverage, by deciding to integrate sustainable development objectives in the execution of regional public markets.
Accompanying the management to integrate the sustainable development in the region’s markets:
- Organization of training sessions on the subject of responsible public purchasing for public buyers
- Accompany these buyers to integrate sustainable development issues in the definition of their needs and transmit them into the market structure.
In order to do this, a work control assistant has been appointed. The first market was the cleaning products one.
Integration of social and environmental clauses into new markets:
- Each management team must dedicate 20% of its « office supplies » budget to eco-responsible supplies.
- All the paper used at the Regional Council is 100% recycled.
Participation of the “Nord Pas-de-Calais sustainable public purchasing” network:
- The Region participates in a buyer’s network around sustainable development. They meet on a quarterly basis around a theme (ex: paper, vehicles, cleaning products…) and manage common projects.
- Faced with the difficulty to guarantee its purchases, especially textile, in order to respect socially satisfying production conditions, the Region has implemented with six other communities (Dunkerque, Roubaix, Tourcoing, Villeneuvce d’Ascq cities, Dunkerque and Lille urban communities) a purchasing group, to control and improve working conditions all the way down the production channel. A work control assistant has been appointed to accompany the group members and their suppliers in this approach.
- Positive image of the institution.
- Development of social and environmental clauses in markets.
- Participative and collaborative action, shared by all the employees thanks to internal communication.
- Reduction of ecological footprint.
- Country
- France
151, Avenue du Président Hoover