Oriacoop is a SOHO located in Warlincourt (Pas-de-Calais) which specializes in rapeseed oil crushing. This small structure is supported by 73 members-producers and has one great ambition:" Reinventing the rapeseed channel". It was launched with three objectives: autonomy for the farmers, new services and financial benefits. The Oriacoop project has mainly focused on agro-resources: rapeseed oil and cake production for feed and bio-fuel production. The specificity of this project is that it takes place in an approach of local and sustainable development in order to develop an innovative and responsible agriculture.
ORIACOOP reinvents the rapeseed channel with a short supply chain which benefits its members
4. Environment
Green design

- Developing a system which reinforces the autonomy of the channel while preserving the independence of farmers in a more and more finance-oriented environment
- Reducing CO2 emissions of the farmers/breeders by developing a short supply chain
• Observations:
- Mixed-farmers- breeders sell their raw material and import the cakes required to feed the livestock (soya)
- Instability of purchasing conditions: decreasing global oil prices and soaring rapeseed prices
- More CO2 emissions in the agriculture channel because of freight transport (importation)
• Current situation:
To tackle this, Oriacoop developed a local alternative, a short supply chain between the producers and the users:
-Using oil for feed: used as a binder to agglomerate the small particles of livestock feed. Oil also brings feed components such as fatty acids
- Use of oil as a supplement to fuel: in terms of vegetable oil-based biofuels, two categories can be distinguished:
- Vegetable oil esters produced by industries which can be incorporated into gas-oil with no need of engine transformation
- HVP vegetable oil which can notably be used in a short supply chain
Oriacoop produces 5,000 tons of oil a year, for esterification (transformation into vegetable oil) and feed
• The projects:
- Developing the use of bio-fuel for local authorities
- Producing edible oil: development of an edible oil to directly target regional companies for the preparation of ready meals, canning and bakery (as a substitute for palm oil)
- De-oiling cakes: reducing their fat content so they are easier to use by local breeders to feed their livestock as a substitute for soya cakes
- Clim'Agri® Project started since 2012 by Pays du Ternois consisting in the evaluation of energy consumption and Greenhouse Gases (GHG) emission on the scale of a territory
- Certification: GMP, 2BSvs, Ecocert (organic), Adhérent Saveur en Or
- 2012: FNGeda trophy for innovation
- Crushing of 11% of the rapeseed produced in the region
- Creation of proximity bonds on the territory
- 100% of the seeds are local, 20% of which come from members, the 80% left from non-members farmers
- Reduction of CO2 emissions related to agriculture
- Energy-autonomous factory and bio-mass boiler
- Workforce
- 3 salariés (2013)
- Turnover
- 4,2 millions d’€ (2013)
- Country
- France
Damien BRICOUT Président This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.