Translations Best practice in Spanish version Best practice in French version Best practice in English version


4. Environment

Energy / Greenhouse Gases (GHG)


The Vilogia Group, which specializes in social housing, holds rental properties including more than 65,000 housing units spread over seven implantations in tense sectors and counts nearly 1,000 employees. Aware of the environmental and societal impact of its activity, the Group has built a CSR approach around three priority axes: reinforce the seriousness of the housing pool, encourage responsible behavior on the part of tenants and adopt a responsible position within the Group. In this context, Vilogia decided to perpetuate its existing holdings through better energy management..



  • Dedicate a minimum of 75% to rehabilitating housing with E, F and G energy labels and bring them up to the C level
  • Limit energy consumption in apartments to 104 kWhep/M2/year (BBC renovation)
  • Increase the purchasing power of tenants



In compliance with 2014 European regulations, Vilogia made an energy audit in 2015 on a panel from the housing pool. In addition to being a simple diagnosis of energy performance, it provided a valuable overall thermal study. The audit also concerned user behavior and the operation of installations, which allowed Vilogia to orient its improvement strategy, not only on technical aspects, but also on management of the corresponding contracts and support for tenants in the use of their lodgings. The rehabilitation also includes controlling the carbon footprint.

To improve the thermal condition of the housing units, different types of work can be done: insulation and sealing of the roof, insulation and protection of the façade, improvement of outside woodwork, insulation of the floor slab, regulation of the heating and hot water networks, creation or improvement of simple flow ventilation, etc.

Vilogia is also a partner of EnergieSprong, a new "zero energy" system for renewing housing. EnergieSprong primarily aims to pinpoint the pest products for renovation to enable housing units to reach a "zero energy" level, which is a passive level coupled to a production of renewable energy. Other advantages for the residents were achieved by industrializing the solutions: renovations take no more than a week, come with a thirty-year energy performance warranty and greatly improve the environment inside the home! Finally, renovations considerably improve the way the home looks.

Best Practice spotted by the World Forum for a Responsible Economy in 2010 and updated in 2016


  • Control of all elements through the study of building and maintenance costs
  • Better knowledge of the tenants' opinion in terms of comfort and practicality
  • Greater precision in the estimation of rental charges, which also benefits the tenants
  • A demand for action and strong motivation of employees


  • Une baisse significative du montant des charges liées à la consommation d’énergie pour le locataire
  • Un impact environnemental positif et une réduction des émissions de CO2
  • Une optimisation des rendements et une baisse des pollutions
1000 employés


Joéla DAVALO, Responsable RSE This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mise à jour le 14/02/2017

Creative Commons Attribution This work by Réseau Alliances – World Forum Lille is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.