Vilogia, faithfully following its founding values of humanism, and convinced that having a decent home is a right everyone should enjoy, gets involved to favour the access of the greater number to housing. Vilogia has implemented a “Marshall Plan” of some kind in 2006. It is a $50M project aiming at renovating real estate, and which wants to go beyond and be faster than environmental standards.
VILOGIA cuts service charges for families with great financial difficulties
4. Environment
Energy / Greenhouse Gases (GHG)

Vilogia realized that families with great financial difficulties use other alternative heating systems than those installed in the house for fear that the energy bill may be too costly. These alternative heating systems cause carbon monoxide poisoning. Thus, the company plans some renovations to cut further energy bills for the worst-off.
Vilogia has a great number of houses dedicated to families with social or family difficulties. The rents required in these homes are very low. Nevertheless, service charges account for some 15% of the families’ incomes. The company then implemented a housing renewal action plan on several years to curb considerably the lessees’ service charges. The works are notably about reinforcing isolation, replacing joinery and heating systems to make inhabitants enjoy the utmost comfort, including in winter months. This renovation, which goes beyond the law, involves a 40,000 euro investment per house. There is no increase in the rent.
The entirety of renovation costs will be funded by Vilogia. The company strives to raise awareness among its partners in the cities to show how important it is to have them fund renovation works to divide by three the energy costs modest families have to pay for.
All lessees will be made aware of the right way to use the new equipments so that they can better manage their service charges, whatever the house.
This tailor-made solution is made possible thanks to a highly specific management of the real estate and the development of service charges measuring tools. Since 2007, the company has developed a service charges watchdog that makes it possible to find out possible differences for each home in order to cut cost overrun.
- There is a significant decline in the amount of service charges from energy consumption for the lessee
- A positive environmental impact and a fall in CO2 emissions
- A safer and more comfortable home for lessees
- Fight against the use of equipments likely to cause fatal carbon monoxide poisoning
- There is a significant decline in the amount of service charges from energy consumption for the lessee
- A positive environmental impact and a fall in CO2 emissions
- A safer and more comfortable home for lessees
- Fight against the use of equipments likely to cause fatal carbon monoxide poisoning
- Workforce
- 1000 employés
- Country
- France
Philippe REMIGNON, Directeur Général