As an extension of its Business Travel Plan, the Caisse d'Epargne Nord France Europe (CENFE) has accepted a logistics action plan aimed at reducing its environmental impact. In 2009, the company produced its first Carbon® assessment and followed this up by implementing an emissions reduction plan, resulting in a number of concrete actions.
The CAISSE D’EPARGNE NORD FRANCE EUROPE deploys it’s action plan to reduce its environmental impact
4. Environment
Energy / Greenhouse Gases (GHG)
Reduce the environmental impact through targeted action on:
- CENFE's vehicle fleet
- The use of paper of less than 80 grams
- Recycling of ink cartridges
The various actions have been developed by business experts and validated by the 11-person Sustainable Development Committee, which meets quarterly to discuss, decide and adopt concrete actions to be implemented.
A series of targeted actions have been adopted relative to:
- Transportation:
o Corporate Mobility Plan; see dedicated Best Practice fact sheet;
o Optimization of the service and professional vehicle fleet as well as vehicle use;
o Check collection streamlining;
- Buildings:
o Compliance with HQE or BBC criteria for the renovation and construction of CENFE's real estate holdings, both its head office and branch offices;
o Development of initiatives to improve building energy efficiency (adaptation and optimization of air conditioning systems at 25 sites a year);
o Use of low-consumption light bulbs - automatic shut-off of lights in offices outside of business hours - facade lighting (facade signs, totem signs) equipped with a timer, certified electronic equipment;
- Consumables:
o Limitation of consumable use to an absolute minimum;
o Introduction of a tracking system for electricity and paper consumption;
o Logistics management optimization (office supplies, etc.);
o Awareness-building among personnel regarding eco-friendly gestures (guide, presentations, e-learning sessions, etc.).
Best Practice selected by World Forum Lille in 2011 and updated in 2012 for its evolution.
- Significant contribution to social responsibility of the Caisse d'Epargne consistent with its identity and its original values
7 old service vehicles replaced with vehicles emitting less than 100g CO ² per km.
80gr paper replaced by 75gr paper = 750 trees saved per year
Savings generated the equivalent of:
- daily water consumption of 11,307 people
- 2.5 dump trucks of waste
- 16 vehicles per year in CO²
- the energy consumption of 13 homes / year
- recycling of all toner cartridges, and 95% use of recycled cartridges
- Workforce
- 2 263 (2011)
- Turnover
- 473 millions € (2011)
- Country
- France
Géraldine BENJAMIN