The Agence Internationale de l'Energie (Energy International Agency) (AIE) has the primary objective of ensuring security of energy supply globally, while respecting the environment. In 2007, the AIE publishes a study, World Outlook, which reported 0.6 tons of CO² per MWh for the carbon intensity (amount of CO² emitted by producing a unit of energy) of the world electricity production in 2005. The AIE recommends a stagnation of the number of particles of CO² in the atmosphere at 450 particles per million (ppm) with a maturity in 2030; thus calling a reduction by 3.5% per year of carbon intensity of the portfolio of world electricity production projects. In this context, the Dexia banking group adopts a sectoral energy policy.
DEXIA limits the impact of CO2 emissions of its portfolio of energy projects
4. Environment
Energy / Greenhouse Gases (GHG)
