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ORIACOOP reinvents the rapeseed channel with a short supply chain which benefits its members

4. Environment

Green design


Oriacoop is a SOHO located in Warlincourt (Pas-de-Calais) which specializes in rapeseed oil crushing. This small structure is supported by 73 members-producers and has one great ambition:" Reinventing the rapeseed channel". It was launched with three objectives: autonomy for the farmers, new services and financial benefits. The Oriacoop project has mainly focused on agro-resources: rapeseed oil and cake production for feed and bio-fuel production. The specificity of this project is that it takes place in an approach of local and sustainable development in order to develop an innovative and responsible agriculture. 


  • Developing a system which reinforces the autonomy of the channel while preserving the independence of farmers in a more and more finance-oriented environment
  • Reducing CO2 emissions of the farmers/breeders by developing a short supply chain


• Observations:

- Mixed-farmers- breeders sell their raw material and import the cakes required to feed the livestock (soya)

- Instability of purchasing conditions: decreasing global oil prices and soaring rapeseed prices

- More CO2 emissions in the agriculture channel because of freight transport (importation)

• Current situation:

To tackle this, Oriacoop developed a local alternative, a short supply chain between the producers and the users:

-Using oil for feed: used as a binder to agglomerate the small particles of livestock feed. Oil also brings feed components such as fatty acids

- Use of oil as a supplement to fuel: in terms of vegetable oil-based biofuels, two categories can be distinguished:

- Vegetable oil esters produced by industries which can be incorporated into gas-oil with no need of engine transformation

- HVP vegetable oil which can notably be used in a short supply chain

Oriacoop produces 5,000 tons of oil a year, for esterification (transformation into vegetable oil) and feed

• The projects:

- Developing the use of bio-fuel for local authorities

- Producing edible oil: development of an edible oil to directly target regional companies for the preparation of ready meals, canning and bakery (as a substitute for palm oil)

- De-oiling cakes: reducing their fat content so they are easier to use by local breeders to feed their livestock as a substitute for soya cakes

  • Clim'Agri® Project started since 2012 by Pays du Ternois consisting in the evaluation of energy consumption and Greenhouse Gases (GHG) emission on the scale of a territory


  • Certification: GMP, 2BSvs, Ecocert (organic), Adhérent Saveur en Or
  • 2012: FNGeda trophy for innovation
  • Crushing of 11% of the rapeseed produced in the region


  • Creation of proximity bonds on the territory
  • 100% of the seeds are local, 20% of which come  from members, the 80% left from non-members farmers
  • Reduction of CO2 emissions related to agriculture
  • Energy-autonomous factory and bio-mass boiler
3 salariés (2013)
4,2 millions d’€ (2013)


Route de Pas
hameau de la Bellevue


Damien BRICOUT Président This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mise à jour le 28/06/2016

Creative Commons Attribution This work by Réseau Alliances – World Forum Lille is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.