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GDF SUEZ-LYDEC provides water and sanitation services for 82,000 households in neighborhoods with unsanitary housing in Greater Casablanca

6. Clients and consumers

Access to basic services


Since 1997, LYDEC has provided delegated management of public services for water and electricity distribution, sanitation services (wastewater and rainwater), and public lighting for 5 million residents in greater Casablanca, Morocco.

On May 18, 2005, the King of Morocco, Mohammed VI, launched the National Human Development Initiative (INDH) to combat poverty and social and economic exclusion. On September 13 the same year, a framework agreement was signed between the Province of Greater Casablanca (the delegating authority) and LYDEC.

In 2006, to meet the new requirements of the INDH national program, Lydec created the INDH INMAE Department to provide water, sanitation, and electricity services to residents in neighborhoods with unsanitary housing. The department’s mission is to find technical and financial solutions.


To implement a specific program for poorer neighborhoods: drinking water connections for 85,000 households in Greater Casablanca neighborhood with housing designated as unsanitary by local authorities.


A structured approach, progressing from “resident” to “customer:”

- A contractual framework with the authorities: a permanent arrangement with the authorities based on a specific agreement that includes validating a list of beneficiaries and identifying all factors of impediment;
- Customer designation criteria are determined: all households must be identified in an environment where residents had never before been recorded and where addresses do not exist. In this context, LYDEC had to suggest a “resident without status” category that was subsequently approved by the authorities.
- Customer support is based on inventorying beneficiaries, ongoing relations with representatives of the authority, mediation and communication with residents to gain their adhesion to the project, follow-up during and after installation, and support for program operators to guard against the risk of unpaid bills.

Per service (water, sanitation, electricity), the residents’ contribution to the cost of connection is 2000 dirhams, including tax. On average, 40% pay by cash, 50% pay by credit over four years, and 10% pay over seven years.

Average water consumption is 7m3/month. The average bill is 42 dh/month.

The 30 day collection rate for neighborhood connections is 95% today. The rate that is applied corresponds to the lowest social level because average consumption per household remains below 7m3.

As of December 31, 2009, 32,000 households were connected.


  •  Extension of service to the neediest customers, development of technical and commercial innovations to adjust service to the pattern of unsanitary slum neighborhoods.
  • In addition, LYDEC pursues its action in relation to the authorities while continuing to exercise its business operations, with a concern for protecting the neighborhood’s environment and for the sustainable development of local service operations.


  •  Improvement in the living conditions and health of 30,000 families, job creation following establishment of maintenance services.
  •  Access to water and sanitation services enabled authorities to undertake initiatives in the following areas: property adjustments, dwelling improvements, economic and social development, living condition improvements, improved hygiene, health, and environmental protection.


1-2, place Samuel de CHAMPLAIN

Mise à jour le 24/05/2016

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