Lafarge, the world leaderin building materials, does not consider economic performance without keepingsustainable development in mind. As urbanization increases,demand for housing and infrastructure increases. These buildings throughout their life cycle are CO2emitters and consume large amounts of energy. Build,yes, but differently. Thatis the challenge. Lafarge is committed to sustainable construction.
To reconfirm its commitment to corporatecitizenship in conserving resources and reducingwaste production
To engage with other stakeholder to developnew methods of construction
To create low-cost housing for the poorestpopulations in the regions where Lafargeoperates
Sustainable constructionconsists in minimizing the impact of buildings on the environment and people,while ensuring superior quality in terms of aesthetics, durability andresistance. Thistakes into account the entire life cycle of work, from the choice of productsto the demolition and recycling of them.
For the environmentalimpact:
- Afocus on recyclable materials - Useof low footprint products and packaging - Reducethe use of natural resources - Promoteindustrial waste as fuel and raw materials - Integraterenewable energy sources in the construction of buildings
For Economic and Socialimpact: - Job creations - Reducing pollution linkedto sites for the benefit of workers and residents
In order to makesustainable building accessible to the poorest populations, Lafarge India launchedthe program "Affordable Housing for the masses": sustainable housingat lower costs. Together with the WWF,Lafarge also initiates Exo-city in South Africa by donating 300 tonsof cement and 70m2 of concrete to thirty "green" low energy consuminghouses (which resort to solar energy).