Human Nature is a social enterprise leader in the market of organics cosmetics in The Philippines.
Dylan Wilk, a successful English businessman desirous to invest in social economy and to participate in the social and economic development of poor communities, has launched it in 2008.
Already present in 23 cities with an annual sold of 3 millions products in 2011, their challenge is to become the first multinational social enterprise in order to use this international business to promote to the development of communities in need.
HUMAN NATURE, qualified jobs in cosmetics for the poorer in Philippines
7. Community involvement
Community development
![HUMAN NATURE, qualified jobs in cosmetics for the poorer in Philippines](/images/bestpractices/b/biodiversit-9.jpg)
![HUMAN NATURE](/images/companies/humannature_logo.jpg)
![World Forum for a Responsible Economy](/images/transmitters/logo_world_forum.png)
- Provide the poor with opportunity and decent salary
- Create social wealth by creating a profitable social business
- Train and give proper material to the poor so they become skilled workers
- Allow them to become autonomous by growing the cosmetics ingredients in their own community.
After being denied by Tony Meloto, the founder of Gawad Kalinga foundation (a Philippine-based movement that aims to end poverty for 5 million families, by first restoring the dignity of the poor) to receive his donation of 100 000$, they created a partnership. The main importance for Mr Meloto is not to have money but work against poverty.
In 2005, he begins by selling his own properties. The main purpose is to generate profit in order to redistribute for improving local people's standard of living.
The aim can be reached by assessing the local culture and population. The question here is not “what can I bring them” but “what can we do together”.
In 2007, He begins with his wife Anna Meloto-Wilk and Camille Meloto (Anna’s sister) by making a business plan to develop local economy and work with local farmers. They research on natural and organic products and bringing them to the Philippines.
In 2008, Camille and Anna are able to successfully collaborate with a natural formulator to create Human Nature’s first line of products.
Finally, in November 2008, Human Nature is officially launched at Manila. The adventure begins.
Nowadays, Human Nature continues to grow exponentially. Today (2014), it is necessary to employ full-time staff and to partner with social entrepreneurs. His ambition is to create the first multinational reasonable enterprise.
Best Practice spotted in 2014 by the World Forum for a Responsible Economy.
- 2,000 communities have been built in urban and rural areas by Gawad Kalinga (GK), transforming slums into peaceful and providing good living conditions to the 130 employees.
- HN has been paying 20-30% more than the going market price for raw materials but doubled its revenues in 2010 by making business sense and sales are still projected to grow.
- The value proposition has enabled the company to attract talent from multinationals and top brands. They agree to take an initial pay cut to support this business philosophy.
- Anna Meloto-Wilk and Dylan Wilk have been recognised by the Schwab Foundation as one of the twenty-six Global Social Entrepreneur Awardees in 2012.The company was awarded the Ernest & Young Social Entrepreneur Award for 2011.
- Employment of local underprivileged community with a “no-fire” policy. Providing technical skills through training the locals for production of high value products to ensure higher wages.
- Investing in community development programs, cooperating with NGOs. Actively encouraging employees for serving the community.
- Fair pricing strategy to ensure well being of the local suppliers . All products are manufactured in the Philippines.
- All of the raw materials are 100% naturally derived, and do not contain or release environmentally toxic materials. Utilization of PET containers for recycling.
- No Animal testing.
- Workforce
- NC
- Turnover
- NC
- Country
- Philippines
D Wilk - CEO