For the Bonduelle Group, creating a better future for plant-based food means being an agro-industrial player that has a positive impact on its ecosystem. A French family-owned business created in 1853, in 2016 Bonduelle set itself the objective of involving all its employees in its CSR approach, which in 2018 saw it take part in World Cleanup Day.

- To involve employees and the Bonduelle Group in a global event for the planet
- To help improve the ecosystem near the company’s plants
We live in a world that is literally drowning in waste. Every year, the global population generates almost four billion tonnes of waste of various sorts. The goal of World Cleanup Day is to focus everyone's energy on a universal project and raise global awareness about the issue of litter. This is the largest civic action in the world.
At Bonduelle, 28 production sites and registered offices created their event in France, the Netherlands, Spain, Poland, Italy, Russia, Canada, and the United States. They chose to clean parks, industrial areas and activity centers near their work places in teams and sometimes with their families.
The company has been working to protect the environment for over ten years through its sustainable development initiative. As such, World Cleanup Day aligns with its values perfectly. In addition, the objective of every Bonduelle site is to engage in practical terms with local communities. 35% of plants have already undertaken projects in partnership with their local ecosystem in order to generate a positive local impact.
World Cleanup Day 2019 will be another opportunity for Bonduelle employees to show their collective commitment to environmental protection.
- Contribution to the objective “All employees involved in CSR"
- Development of the employer brand
- 28 Bonduelle sites mobilized for World Cleanup Day
- Helping to reduce litter in natural spaces
- Workforce
- (2018-2019) : 14 589 collaborateurs
- Turnover
- (2018-2019) : 2 777 millions deuros
- Country
- France
Anne-Sophie FONTAINE
Directrice de la RSE et de la communication corporate